
Assays In-Depth Focus 2017

HTS can be carried out in a number of formats, ranging from simple biochemical (target-based) to whole animal screening assay formats. Horst Flotow, from Hit Discovery Constance, discusses the benefits and practicalities of, and recent progress in, whole animal screening. Madhu Lal-Nag, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, and Anton Simeonov, National Institutes of Health (NIH), explain how 3-D models can be used in HTS, and lead to a significant decrease in the attrition of drug failure rates in clinical trials…

digital issue #1 2017 in-depth focus assays

Included in this Assays In-Depth Focus:

  • Whole animal screening: back to the future
    Horst Flotow, Hit Discovery Contance (HDC) GmbH
  • Application Note: Thermo Scientific
  • High-throughput screening platforms incorporating physiologically relevant 3-D models
    Madhu Lal-Nag, National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) and Anton Simeonov, National Institutes of Health (NIH)

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