
eBook: Explore cells from the inside out

Posted: 23 August 2019 | | No comments yet

Modern cell biology requires a wide variety of applications to keep up with the numerous exciting directions that research takes us. Detection technologies ranging from fluorescence to cellular imaging have become common in today’s laboratories.

In this eBook, discover how to perform a variety of applications, from studying protein-protein interactions to cell-cycle analysis in spheroids, using Molecular Devices SpectraMax® i3x and iD3/iD5 Multi-Mode Microplate Readers.

  • Validate CRISPR-mediated gene knockdown using western blot analysis
  • Monitor surface functionalization of nanoparticles
  • Evaluate cytokine secretion with sensitive HTRF technology

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    This content is provided to you for free thanks to the kind support of our sponsors: Molecular Devices

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