
App Note: Easy Particle Analysis for Viscous Samples with MFI

Posted: 15 October 2015 |

In this application note, learn how the manual MFI 5000 performs accurate particle analysis for viscous protein therapeutics, offering size, count and morphology…

Many protein therapeutics in development today are viscous because they contain excipients for stability or have a high concentration of the protein itself. If you use particle analysis techniques like light obscuration, the only way to analyze these samples accurately is to dilute them. But dilution can change the characteristics of the sample, which means more comparability studies to validate the dilution effect. Why make your work harder? MFI lets you skip the whole dilution process.

We studied the MFI 5200 manual system performance across a broad range of sample viscosities and you guessed it — we got precise and quantitative characterization of particle size, concentration, and morphology with even the most viscous solutions. And while the data in this application note is from the MFI 5200 system, we also looked at the MFI 5100 system and saw the same great results: robust particle measurement using neat samples..

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