
Expert view: Critical consumables: meeting the need for a steady supply of microplates

Posted: 28 May 2020 | | No comments yet

In a time when rapid screening and fast-paced drug development are necessary for fighting illness and disease, having a robust supply of high-quality, fit-for-purpose consumables is critical.

High-throughput labs rely on a steady supply of quality microplates for most assays. Microplates enable dozens to hundreds of assays per plate, with automated workflows analysing hundreds to thousands of plates per day.

Microplates, like pipette tips and reservoirs, are an essential tool for any high-throughput lab. These labs rely on a predictable inventory as critically as they rely on device quality. Unlike industries that grow at slow, consistent rates with predictable annual cycles and long-term trends that can be accurately forecasted, the pharmaceutical industry must swiftly adjust and respond to unexpected changes in pace due to evolving regulations and an unpredictable global environment.

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