
Video: Multiplex IHC and digital analysis for immuno-oncology

Posted: 1 July 2019 | | No comments yet

High content data derived for complex immuno-oncology research facilitates a deeper understanding of the tissue microenvironment.

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    Get an introduction to Multiplex IHC, with a focus on the integration of the Perkin Elmer Vectra Polaris system.

    Learn about how the generation of high content data derived for complex diseases such as immuno-oncology, from small and/or limited research samples and clinical biopsies, facilitates a deeper understanding of the tissue microenvironment from an individual patient/disease/tumour standpoint.

    Learn about:

    • Key concepts of mIHC with integrated digital pathology analysis
    • Impact on the design and interpretation of studies on the microenvironment and therapeutic interactions
    • How to integrate mIHC into your biomarker discovery/validation and companion diagnostic plans.



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