
Application note: Small-scale perfusion with a parallel bioreactor

Posted: 19 November 2019 | | No comments yet

Small-scale perfusion using an ATF cell retention device with a DASGIP® parallel bioreactor system

Experimentation at small scale is crucial for the costefficient development of bioprocesses, which then can be transferred to larger production volumes. To facilitate perfusion cell culture process development at small scale, we tested the feasibility of connecting an alternating tangential flow (ATF) filtration device with a DASGIP Parallel Bioreactor System. In a working volume of 1 L we reached a peak viable density of 60 x 106 cells/mL. Cell growth, peak density, and antibody production at the 1 L scale were comparable to those in a previously performed perfusion process with a working volume of 3.75 L. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of ATF-based perfusion at small scale using the DASGIP Parallel Bioreactor System.

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