
Application note: Automated NGS library preparation on CyBio FeliX

Posted: 19 November 2019 | | No comments yet

The CyBio FeliX pipetting system was used to perform all liquid handling steps of the library preparation workflow for personal genome analysis.

Automated library sample preparation for Ion Torrent™ Sequencing can be successfully performed on the CyBio® FeliX, using the HaloPlex Target Enrichment System Kit for Ion Torrent™ Sequencing. The proof of principle to construct 8 high quality libraries in parallel was demonstrated.

Moreover, the HaloPlex Target Enrichment System protocol from Agilent for Illumina Sequencing includes the same steps. The quality of the libraries prepared on the CyBio® FeliX was comparable to that prepared manually. It should be noted that the use of CyBio® FeliX for automation of NGS sample preparation using the HaloPlex Target enrichment System Kit enables easy preparation of multiple samples with minimal effort and greater consistency. The CyBio® FeliX is an ideal flexible liquid handling platform to improve reproducibility of the results and reduce the hands on time.

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