
Application note: A Simoa™ Bridging Assay for Anti Drug Antibody Detection

Posted: 26 November 2019 | | No comments yet

Therapeutic drugs based on biological materials (antibodies, hormones, cytokines, enzymes, fusion proteins) may have the ability to elicit an immune response in the host.

Immunogenicity of a therapeutic is defined as the unwanted elicitation of an immune response by the host to the therapeutic. The measurement of this immune response is typically assessed by quantifying the host’s production of antibodies against the therapeutic molecule. Immunogenicity of a therapeutic can be a major roadblock in the development of a product.

Here, we describe a proof of concept assay to demonstrate use of the Simoa platform as a tool to measure levels of anti drug antibodies ( against Adalimumab (Humira®). To compare performance, equivalent assays were run with the Simoa platform and a standard plate based ELISA.

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