
DiscoverX BioMAP® Diversity PLUS Panel

Diversity PLUS Panel contains 12 human primary cell systems from multiple tissues that model human disease for predictive insight into drug efficacy and MOA…

These systems represent a broad range of human biology relevant to multiple therapeutic areas. Cells are cultured alone or as co-cultures and stimulated with a combination of factors to model the complex signaling networks associated with disease states. Compounds are analysed in each system to determine their phenotypic impact on physiologically relevant disease biology in terms of efficacy and safety.

The Diversity PLUS panel is ideal in drug discovery applications such as:

  • Translational biology
  • Phenotypic drug discovery
  • Competitive analysis
  • Comparison to standard of care
  • Analyze novel mechanisms of action
  • Biomarker discover


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One response to “DiscoverX BioMAP® Diversity PLUS Panel”

  1. Tingting Du says:

    Is it possible to know what kind of ‘mild stimulation’ is used for T cell activation by TCR in BT system of BioMAP?

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