
Next generation strategies for cancer immunotherapy

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12 November 2020

Supported by:

12 November 2020


Over the past decade immunotherapy has emerged as a promising therapeutic strategy. However, treatment efficacy and resistance remain huge obstacles. In this on-demand webinar, two leading researchers will discuss their innovative approaches to developing novel opportunities for immunotherapy treatments.

Dr Seth Coffelt presents new data on the function of gamma delta T cells in breast and colorectal cancer mouse models, while Dr Khalid Shah will dive into the major discoveries his group has made in gene edited and engineered cell-based immunotherapies for cancer. 

Learning outcomes of this webinar:

  • Learn how Gamma delta (gd) T cells bridge innate and adaptive immune responses during cancer progression
  • Understand the role gd T cells play in antitumour cytotoxicity and cytokine production
  • Discover new advancements in cell therapy, including engineered targeted stem cells and immune cells for cancer
  • Explore reverse engineered cancer cells as a cancer treatment.


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    Dr Seth Coffelt, Senior Research Fellow,  Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow and Junior Group Leader, Cancer Research UK Beatson Institute

    Seth obtained his PhD from Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, US, in 2006. He undertook his first postdoc position at the University of Sheffield where he studied the role of macrophages in tumour progression. Afterwards, Seth was awarded a Marie Curie Intra-European Career Development Fellowship to join Karin de Visser’s lab at the Netherlands Cancer Institute in Amsterdam. During this time, Seth discovered how immune cells co-operate with each other to promote metastasis through the suppression of other immune cells. Seth moved to Scotland in the summer of 2016 to focus on molecular mechanisms of immune escape. He was awarded the British Association for Cancer Research AstraZeneca Young Scientist Frank Rose Award in 2018. 

    Dr Khalid Shah, Vice Chairman of Research, Brigham and Women’s Hospital-Neurosurgery; and Director, Center for Stem Cell Therapeutics and Imaging, Harvard Medical School;  Principal Faculty, Harvard Stem Cell Institute

    Dr Shah is the Vice Chair of Research for the Department of Neurosurgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and Directs the Center for Stem Cell Therapeutics and Imaging and the Center of Excellence in Biomedicine. He is also the Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and a Principal Faculty at Harvard Stem Cell Institute in Boston.

    Khalid and his team have pioneered major developments in the cell therapy field, successfully developing and engineering targeted stem cells and immune cells for cancer. Recently, his laboratory has reverse engineered cancer cells using CRISPR-Cas9 technology and utilised them as therapeutics to treat cancer. Khalid holds current positions on numerous councils, advisory and editorial boards in the fields of cell therapy and oncology.

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